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What is the primary benefit of integrating Cisco technologies in network management?
Answer: B
Integration of Cisco technologies centralizes management tasks, streamlining network operations and improving efficiency.
Which authentication method is commonly used in synthetic web tests for secure access to web applications?
Answer: A
Basic authentication is commonly used in synthetic web tests for secure access to web applications, providing a simple yet effective authentication mechanism in network assurance.
What agent type is responsible for conducting synthetic user interactions with web applications?
Answer: C,D
Synthetic user agents and scripting agents are responsible for conducting synthetic user interactions with web applications in network assurance, facilitating performance monitoring and testing.
Which Cisco technology provides insights into WAN performance and helps identify network issues affecting application delivery?
Answer: D
Thousand Eyes WAN Insights provides insights into WAN performance and helps identify network issues affecting application delivery by monitoring end-to-end network paths, measuring latency, packet loss, and jitter, and providing real-time analytics and visualizations to troubleshoot performance problems.
What distinguishes passive monitoring from active monitoring in network assurance?
Answer: A
Passive monitoring involves real-time analysis of network traffic, while active monitoring includes continuous probing of network devices to collect data in network assurance.
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